Welcome to AIWA 2022-23 class of Youth Build Immigrant Power (YBIP)!

Yanyan Zou

My name is Yanyan Zou. When I think about community, I think of sufferings, language difficulties for immigrants, homelessness all over the streets, and the atmosphere filled with chaos. This is the situation we are now in. To overcome these obstacles and make our community a better place for everyone, we must unite.

Ka Leung Huang

My name is Ka Leung Huang. A community refers to a community of social regional life formed by people living in a certain place forming various social relationships and social groups and engaging in various social activities. The current appearance of our community is not very beautiful. There are still many problems waiting for us to face these problems, solve these things, and make this community more beautiful.

Miaoying Li

I am Miaoying Li. Acommunity means to me groups of people who share the same characteristic or feature. As seen walking around Chinatown, our community is made up of a minority group of new immigrants. We suffer from language barriers, low wages, etc. AIWA can be a place where we can discuss the flaws of our community to make it a better place.

Junwei Zhang

My name is Junwei Zhang. I think our community is about a group of people being connected and responsible for what happens. However, to make our community better, we must unite and face the difficulties together to improve our community. I joined AIWA to try my best to improve our surroundings.

Chrystal Wu

I am Chrystal Wu. Community means to me a place where everyone can show what they want and use what you know to help others. In community I can help immigrants solve problems.

Lin Li

My name is Lin Li. Community for me is about unity and helping each other to become better. I hope community can help new immigrants because they are new to America. There are a lot of challenges.

Yunxi Zhang

My name is Yunxi Zhang. I think community is like a place for people who have similar characteristics to unite and have a sense of belonging. For me, community is more inclusive and supportive where people will help each other towards the same goal of making life better. Celebrating and bringing awareness to different identities is one of the reasons why I like YBIP and AIWA.

Huimin Qiao

I am Huimin Qiao.  I think that community ultimately connects us and reflects us, and thus each of us should assume corresponding responsibilities and obligations to make our community, the entire collective, better.  To me, the community is more inclusive and non-utilitarian.  We must have a sense of community service and extend a helping hand to the disadvantaged.

Shuolin Peng

My name is Shuolin Peng. Community is a very important component for people.  Communities may have people from different places with different cultures.  I joined AIWA to help people integrate into the community faster, help each other, and learn how to make the community better.

Yingyin Chen

My name is Yingyin Chen.  My hobby is baking. I joined AIWA to help the immigrants who have trouble with language.  I think that community should be safe for people to live.